
Mathematics For Neuroscientists Gabbiani Pdf


Chapter 1



Faced with the seemingly limitless qualities of the brain, neuroscience has eschewed provincialism and instead pursued a broad tack that openly draws on insights from biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, psychology and mathematics in its construction of technologies and theories with which to probe and understand the brain. These technologies and theories, in turn, continue to attract scientists and mathematicians to questions of neuroscience. As a result, we may trace over one hundred years of fruitful interplay between neuroscience and mathematics. This text aims to prepare the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student to take an active part in this dialogue via the application of existing, or the creation of new, mathematics in the interest of a deeper understanding of the brain. This text aims to prepare the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student to take an active part in this dialogue via the application of existing, or the creation of new, mathematics in the interest of a deeper understanding of the brain. Requiring no more than one year of Calculus, and no prior exposure to Neuroscience, we prepare the student by (I) introducing mathematical and computational tools in precisely the contexts that first established their importance for neuroscience, and, (II) developing these tools in concrete incremental steps within a common computational environment. As such, the text may also serve to introduce Neuroscience to readers with a mathematical and/or computational background.


Book structure; Chapter dependencies; Purkinje cell; Brain Facts; Mathematical preliminaries; Units; Neuron; Neuroethology

Chapter Outline

1.1How to Use This Book

1.2Brain Facts Brief

1.3Mathematical Preliminaries



Faced with the seemingly limitless qualities of the brain, neuroscience has eschewed provincialism and instead pursued a broad tack that openly draws on insights from biology, physics, chemistry, engineering, psychology and mathematics in its construction of technologies and theories with which to probe and understand the brain. These technologies and theories, in turn, continue to attract scientists and mathematicians to questions of neuroscience. As a result, we may trace over one hundred years of fruitful interplay between neuroscience and mathematics. This text aims to prepare the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student to take an active part in this dialogue via the application of existing, or the creation of new, mathematics in the interest of a deeper understanding of the brain. Requiring no more than one year of Calculus, and no prior exposure to Neuroscience, we prepare the student by

(I) introducing mathematical and computational tools in precisely the contexts that first established their importance for neuroscience, and,

(II) developing these tools in concrete incremental steps within a common computational environment.

As such, the text may also serve to introduce Neuroscience to readers with a mathematical and/or computational background.

Regarding (I), we introduce ordinary differential equations via the work of Hodgkin and Huxley (1952) on action potentials in the squid giant axon, partial differential equations through the work of Rall on cable theory (see Segev et al., 1994), Stevens (1966) on the extracellular potential and Lüdeke et al. (1985) on the interaction of blood vessels and magnetic fields, probability theory following the analysis of Fatt and Katz (1952) on synaptic transmission, dynamical systems theory in the context of Fitzhugh's (1955) investigation of action potential threshold, and linear algebra in the context of the work of Hodgkin and Huxley (1952) on subthreshold oscillations and the compartmental modeling of Hines (1984) on dendritic trees. In addition, we apply Fourier transforms to describe neuronal receptive fields following Enroth-Cugell and Robson's (1966) work on retinal ganglion cells, its subsequent extension to Hubel and Wiesel's (1962) characterization of cat cortical neurons, and in the development of the tools of magnetic resonance imaging following the discoveries of Lauterbur and Mansfield (see Stehling et al., 1991). We also introduce and motivate statistical decision methods starting with the historical photon detection experiments of Hecht et al. (1942).

Regarding (II), we develop, test and integrate models of channels, receptors, membranes, cells, circuits and sensory stimuli by working from the simple to the complex within the Matlab computing environment. Assuming no prior exposure to Matlab, we develop and implement numerical methods for solving algebraic and differential equations, for computing Fourier Transforms, and for generating and analyzing random signals. Through an associated web site we provide the student with Matlab code for 183 computational figures in the text and we provide the instructor with Matlab code for 107 computational exercises. The web site also provides translations from Matlab to Python for selected scripts. The exercises range from routine reinforcement of concepts developed in the text to significant extensions that guide the reader to the research literature. Our reference to exercises both in the text and across the exercises serve to establish them as an integral component of this book.

Concerning the mathematical models considered in the text, we cite the realization of Schrödinger (1961) that we cannot ask for more than just adequate pictures capable of synthesizing in a comprehensible way all observed facts and giving a reasonable expectation on new ones we are out for. Furthermore, lest adequate serve as an invitation to loose or vague modeling, Schrödinger warns that without an absolutely precise model, thinking itself becomes imprecise, and the consequences derived from the model become ambiguous.

As we enter the 21st century, one of the biggest challenges facing neuroscience is to integrate knowledge and to craft theories that span multiple scales, both in space from the nanometer neighborhood of an ion channel to the meter that action potentials must travel down the sciatic nerve, and in time from the fraction of a millisecond it takes to release neurotransmitter to the hours it takes to prune or grow synaptic contacts between cells. We hope that this text, by providing an integrated treatment of experimental and mathematical tools within a single computational framework, will prepare our readers to meet this challenge.

1.1 How to Use This Book

The book is largely self-contained and as such is suited for both self-study and reference use. The chapters need not be read in numerical order. To facilitate a selection for reading, we have sketched below the main dependencies between the chapters. The four core chapters that underlie much of the book are Chapters 2–4 and 12. For the reader with limited prior training in mathematics it is in these chapters that we develop, by hand calculation, Matlab simulation and a thorough suite of exercises, the mathematical maturity required to appreciate the chapters to come. Many of the basic chapters also contain more advanced subsections, indicated by an asterisk, which can be skipped on first reading. Detailed solutions are provided for most exercises, either at the end of the book or through the associated web site. We mark with a dagger, †, each exercise whose solution is not included in this text.

Over the past fourteen years, we have been using a subset of the book's material for a one semester introductory course on theoretical neuroscience to an audience comprised of Science and Engineering undergraduate and graduate students from Rice University and Neuroscience graduate students from Baylor College of Medicine. We first cover Chapters 2–5, which set and solve the Hodgkin–Huxley equations for isopotential cells and, via the eigenvector expansion of the cell's subthreshold response, introduce the key concepts of linear algebra needed to tackle the multi-compartment cell in Chapters 6 and 8–9. We then open Chapter 12, introduce probabilistic methods and apply them to synaptic transmission, in Chapter 13, and spike train variability, in Chapter 17. We conclude this overview of single neuron properties by covering Chapter 11 on reduced single neuron models. We transition to systems neuroscience via the Fourier transform of Chapter 7 and its application to visual neurons in Chapters 22 and 23. Finally, we connect neural response to behavior via the material of Chapters 27 and 28. An alternative possibility is to conclude with Chapters 25 and 26, after an informal introduction to stochastic processes, and power and cross-spectra in Chapters 18 and 20.

We have also used the following chapters for advanced courses: 14, 16, 18–21 and 29. Chapter 14 provides a comprehensive coverage of calcium dynamics within single neurons at an advanced level. Similarly, Chapter 16 introduces the singular value decomposition, a mathematical tool that has important applications both in spike sorting and in model reduction. Chapters 18 and 20 introduce stochastic processes and methods of spectral analysis. These results can be applied at the microscopic level to describe single channel gating properties (Chapter 19) and at the macroscopic level to describe the statistical properties of natural scenes and their impact on visual processing (Chapter 21). Finally the chapters on population codes and networks (Chapters 29 and 30) address the coding and dynamical properties of neuronal ensembles (Figure 1.1). This second edition includes three additional chapters that describe extracellular potentials (Chapter 10), neuro-vascular coupling (Chapter 15) and theoretical models of motion detection (Chapter 24).

Figure 1.1 Chapter dependencies. Each arrow points to a chapter that depends significantly on the content of the current chapter. The asterisk is used to denote chapters that cover advanced material.

To ease the reading of the text, we have relegated all references to the Summary and Sources section located at the end of each chapter. These reference lists are offered as pointers to the literature and are not intended to be exhaustive.

1.2 Brain Facts Brief

The brain is the central component of the nervous system and is incredibly varied across animals. In vertebrates, it is composed of three main subdivisions: the forebrain, the midbrain and the hindbrain. In mammals and particularly in humans, the cerebral cortex of the forebrain is highly expanded. The human brain is thought to contain on the order of 100 billion (10¹¹) nerve cells, or neurons. Each neuron typically receives 10,000 inputs (synapses, § synapses and 4 km of cable (axons, §2.1) in the same volume. Brain size (weight) typically scales with body size, thus the human brain is far from the largest. At another extreme, the brain of the honey bee is estimated to contain less than a million (10⁶) neurons within a single cubic millimeter. Yet the honey bee can learn a variety of complex tasks, not unlike those learned by a macaque monkey for instance. Although it is often difficult to draw comparisons across widely different species, the basic principles underlying information processing as they are discussed in this book appear to be universal, in spite of obvious differences in implementation. The electrical properties of cells (Chapter 2), the generation and propagation of signals along axons (Chapters 4 and 9), the detection of visual motion (Chapters 23, 24 and 28) or population codes (Chapter 29), for instance, are observed to follow very similar principles across very distantly related species.

Information about the environment reaches the brain through five common senses: vision, touch, hearing, smell and taste. In addition, some animals are able to sense electric fields through specialized electroreceptors. These include many species of fish and monotremes (egg-laying mammals) like the platypus. Most sensory information is gathered from the environment passively, but some species are able to emit signals and register their perturbation by the environment and thus possess active sensory systems. This includes bats that emit sounds at specific frequencies and hear the echoes bouncing off objects in the environment, a phenomenon called echolocation. In addition some species of fish, termed weakly electric, possess an electric organ allowing them to generate an electric field around their body and sense its distortion by the environment, a phenomenon called electrolocation.

Ultimately, the brain controls the locomotor output of the organism. This is typically a complex process, involving both commands issued to the muscles to execute movements, feedback from sensors reporting the actual state of the musculature and skeletal elements, and inputs from the senses to monitor progress towards a goal. So efficient is this process that even the tiny brain of a fly is for instance able to process information sufficiently fast to allow for highly acrobatic flight behaviors, executed in less than one hundred milliseconds from sensory transduction to motor output.

To study the brain, different biological systems have proven useful for different purposes. For example, slices of the rat hippocampus, a structure involved in learning and memory as well as navigation, are particularly adequate for electrophysiological recordings of pyramidal neurons and a detailed characterization of their subcellular properties, because their cell bodies are tightly packed in a layer that is easy to visualize. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and the worm Caenorhabditis elegans (whose nervous system comprises exactly 302 neurons) are good models to investigate the relation between simple behaviors and genetics, as their genomes are sequenced and many tools are available to selectively switch on and off genes in specific brain structures or neurons. One approach that has been particularly successful to study information processing in the brain is neuro-ethological, based on the study of natural behaviors (ethology) in relation to the brain structures involved in their execution. Besides the already mentioned weakly electric fish and bats, classical examples, among many others, include song learning in zebrafinches, the neural control of flight in flies, sound localization in barn owls and escape behaviors in a variety of species, such as grasshoppers, goldfish or flies.

1.3 Mathematical Preliminaries

Matlab. Native Matlab functions are in typewriter font, e.g., svd. Our contributed code, available on the book's web site, has a trailing .m, e.g., bepswI.m.

Numbers. , may be decomposed into its real and imaginary components. We will write

Here x and y are each real and ≡ signifies that one side is defined by the other. We denote the complex conjugate and magnitude of z by


Sets. .

Intervals. is the set of numbers x is the set of numbers x are the set of numbers x , respectively.

Vectors and matrices. Given n , we denote their arrangement into a vector, or column, via bold lower case letters,


In Chapters 10 and 15 we will defer to physics tradition and contravene this convention by using bold capital letters for vector quantities such as the electric field, E, and the magnetic field, B. The collections of all real and complex vectors with n respectively. The transpose of a vector, x, is the row,

, is the row

We next define the inner, or scalar, or dot, product for x and y ,

and note that as

it makes sense to define the norm

To gain practice with these definitions you may wish to confirm that

As the left hand side is nonnegative the right hand side reveals the important Schwarz Inequality


, of the form


If we reflect A , and so record



The identity matrix, denoted I, is the square matrix of zeros off the diagonal, and ones on the diagonal,

We often use the Kronecker delta


to denote the elements of I such that


is called the inverse of B.

Functions. We will make frequent use of the characteristic function


and refer to it as the Heaviside function.

We will often need to differentiate the running integral,

To see that


when f is continuous at x, note that the Mean Value Theorem establishes the second equality in



, of time and or space. For example, if time is divided into increments of size dt by superscripted letters in the typewriter font

, by superscripted letters in the bold typewriter font

are samples of the elements of f . Where the superscript, j, may interfere with exponents we will be careful to make the distinction.

Random variables. In chapters dealing with random variables, we will try whenever possible to use upper case letters for a random variable and lower case letters for a specific value of the same random variable. We denote the expectation or mean of a random variable X . The variance is the expectation of the squared deviation of X . A Gaussian or normal random variable of mean μ of a random variable X .

Fourier transforms. of time, t :

The variable ω is the ordinary frequency. If t has units of seconds (s) then ω has units of 1/s = Hz (hertz). The convolution of two functions f and g :


Landau symbols. Let ε , we write

such that for ε sufficiently small,

decays no slower than ε as ε tends to zero. The notation extends naturally to other functions of ε means that for ε sufficiently small,

means that

Intuitively, this means that the function f decays faster than ε as ε tends to zero.

1.4 Units

All units are based on the Système International (SI). The main ones used in this book and their prefixes are briefly summarized here.

The length ).

An angle denotes the length of a circular arc divided by its radius, r. The radius is also the distance of the arc to the central point of observation. Equivalently, an angle denotes the length of the arc projected on the corresponding unit circle. Angles are dimensionless since they are the ratio of two distances, but they are often assigned 'units' of radians (rad), with the angle subtended by a full circle from its center equal to 2π . A solid angle denotes the area of a spherical cap, divided by its squared radius, or equivalently the area projected on the corresponding unit sphere. Solid angles are measured in steradians (sr) with the solid angle subtended by the full sphere from its center equal to 4π ).

Temperature (degrees centigrade).

Mass is measured in kilograms (kg) with 1 kg = 1000 g (grams) being approximately equal to the mass of one liter (one cubic decimeter, 1 dm³) of pure water.

The amount (Avogadro's number) atoms or molecules of pure substance. One mole of substance, in grams, is given by the atomic (or molecular) weight of the substance under consideration; e.g., one mole of sodium is equal 22.99 g, as may be determined from the periodic table of elements.

Concentration of a solute in a solution, is measured in mole/liter and is abbreviated by M: 1 M = 1 mole/liter. In the context of this book, we will typically consider ions like Na+, K+ or Cl− dissolved in water and denote their concentration by enclosing them in square brackets, e.g., [Na+].

Time ) and its inverse, frequency ).

Current protons at a given point per second.

The corresponding charge, Q, passing at that point in one second is one coulomb (C). In other words, 1 A = 1 C/s. By definition, positive current corresponds to the flow of positive charge in a given direction and thus a negatively charged particle will flow in the opposite direction. When considering the current flowing across the membrane of a cell, we define by convention positive current as the flow of positive charge outwards. Therefore the flow of positive charge inwards , respectively. We will often consider current densities, i.e., currents per unit area.

In the SI system, force (mass times acceleration) is measured in newton (N). Work (force times distance) or energy is measured in joule (1 J = 1 N m). Pressure (force per area) is measured in pascal (1 Pa = 1 N/m²). Since the electrical (Coulomb's) force is proportional to charge, electrical potential energy is measured in joule/coulomb or volt (1 V = 1 J/C). We will use most often the unit of millivolt (mV) to measure electrical potential energy differences, for example between the inside and outside of a single neuron. Similarly, electric fields are measured in newton/coulomb, i.e., force per unit charge. Magnetic fields are measured in tesla, T, with 1 T = 1 (N/C)/(m/s), that is force per unit charge per unit speed, reflecting the fact that the magnetic (Lorenz) force, depends both on particle charge and speed.

Resistance , where V is the electrical potential difference and I ) and mS or μS.

Capacitance is the ability to store charge under a given electrical potential difference. For example, given two conducting plates separated by an insulator and maintained at a fixed potential difference V, the stored charge per plate will be proportional to V , where the capacitance, C, is measured in farad (F), with 1 F = 1 C/V. We will mainly deal with the microfarad, μF.

The luminous intensity measures the integrated light power emitted by a point source per unit solid angle, weighted by the varying sensitivity of the human eye to light wavelength. It is measured in candela (cd). The precise definition of the candela is given in §21.1.

1.5 Sources

For a history of the interplay between neuroscience and mathematics see the chapter by Rall in Schwartz (1990). An elementary introduction to brain anatomy is contained in Squire et al. (2012, Chapter 2). Anatomical figures on the mouse brain are taken from Braitenberg and Schüz (1998). A good reference on neuron numbers is Williams and Herrup (1988). The facts on honey bees are taken from Menzel and Giurfa (2001). The following web page also has an extensive list of data on the human and other brains, including references to the original literature: For an overview of neural information processing, see Gabbiani and Midtgaard (2012) and for classical case studies in neuroethology, see Carew (2000) and Heiligenberg (1991). North and Greenspan (2007) offers a broad overview of invertebrate neurobiology, including chapters on C. elegans and Drosophila melanogaster. The web page Constants, Units and Uncertainty from the Physics Laboratory of the National Institute of Standards and Technology ( or the web site of the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures ( contain further information on the units used in this book.


V. Braitenberg, A. Schüz, Cortex: Statistics and Geometry of Neuronal Connectivity. Springer Verlag; 1998.

T.J. Carew, Behavioral Neurobiology: The Cellular Organization of Natural Behavior. Sinauer Associates; 2000.

C. Enroth-Cugell, J.G. Robson, The contrast sensitivity of retinal ganglion cells of the cat, J. Physiol. (Lond.) Dec 1966;187(3):517–552.

P. Fatt, B. Katz, Spontaneous subthreshold activity at motor nerve endings, J. Physiol. (Lond.) May 1952;117(1):109–128.

R. Fitzhugh, Mathematical models of threshold phenomena in the nerve membrane, Bull. Math. Biophys. 1955;17:257–278.

F. Gabbiani, J. Midtgaard, Neural information processing, Encycl. Life Sci. 2012 10.1002/9780470015902.a0000149.pub2.

S. Hecht, S. Shlaer, M.H. Pirenne, Energy, quanta, and vision, J. Gen. Physiol. 1942;25:819–840.

W.F. Heiligenberg, Neural Nets in Electric Fish. MIT Press; 1991.

M. Hines, Efficient computation of branched nerve equations, Int. J. Bio-Med. Comput. 1984;15(1):69–76.

A.L. Hodgkin, A.F. Huxley, A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve, J. Physiol. (Lond.) 1952;117:500–544.

D.H. Hubel, T.N. Wiesel, Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat's visual cortex, J. Physiol. (Lond.) Jan 1962;160:106–154.

K.M. Lüdeke, P. Röschmann, R. Tischler, Susceptibility artefacts in NMR imaging, Magn. Reson. Imaging 1985;3(4):329–343.

R. Menzel, M. Giurfa, Cognitive architecture of a mini-brain: the honeybee, Trends Cogn. Sci. Feb 2001;5(2):62–71.

In: G. North, R.J. Greenspan, eds. Invertebrate Neurobiology. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; 2007.

E. Schrödinger, Science and Humanism. Cambridge University Press; 1961.

E.L. Schwartz, Computational Neuroscience. MIT Press; 1990.

In: I. Segev, J. Rinzel, G.M. Shepherd, eds. The Theoretical Foundations of Dendritic Function: The Selected Papers of Wilfrid Rall with Commentaries. MIT Press; 1994.

In: L.R. Squire, D. Berg, F. Bloom, S. duLac, A. Ghosh, eds. Fundamental Neuroscience. 4th edn Academic Press; 2012.

M.K. Stehling, R. Turner, P. Mansfield, Echo-planar imaging: magnetic resonance imaging in a fraction of a second, Science 1991;254(5028):43–50.

C.F. Stevens, Neurophysiology: A Primer. Wiley; 1966.

R.W. Williams, K. Herrup, The control of neuron number, Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 1988;11:423–453 10.1146/

Chapter 2

The Passive Isopotential Cell


Modern neuroscience can be traced back to the work of Camillo Golgi, an Italian physician and scientist who invented, in the late 1890's, a method for staining neural tissue. As the Golgi stain only took to a small and well separated population of cells it permitted, for the first time, one to see the trees for the forest. The Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramón y Cajal took quick advantage of the Golgi method to systematically describe the different types of neurons contained in the brain of many animal species. By demonstrating that neurons, though widely varying in shape, nonetheless share common structural components, from which function may be inferred, Ramón y Cajal can be said to have founded modern neuroscience. This chapter introduces and motivates the basic electrical properties of neurons and ionic channels, including membrane conductance, capacitance, Nernst potential and synaptic conductance.


Pyramidal neuron; Membrane potential; Nernst potential; Fick's law; Ohm's law; Membrane capacitance; Kirchoff's current law

Chapter Outline


2.2The Nernst Potential

2.3Membrane Conductance

2.4Membrane Capacitance & Current Balance

2.5Synaptic Conductance

2.6Summary and Sources


2.1 Introduction

Modern neuroscience can be traced back to the work of Camillo Golgi, an Italian physician and scientist who invented, in the late 1890's, a method for staining neural tissue. As the Golgi stain only took to a small and well separated population of cells it permitted, for the first time, one to see the trees for the forest. The Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramón y Cajal took quick advantage of the Golgi method to systematically describe the different types of neurons contained in the brain of many animal species. By demonstrating that neurons, though widely varying in shape, nonetheless share common structural components, from which function may be inferred, Ramón y Cajal can be said to have founded modern neuroscience. With reference to Figure 2.1, Ramón y Cajal identified the cell body, or soma, that contains the cell nucleus, the axon that carries electrical impulses to downstream neurons, and the dendrites, where a neuron typically receives inputs from other, upstream neurons through electrical or chemical synapses. Pyramidal neurons, such as that illustrated in Figure 2.1, are the most prevalent neuron type in the mammalian cortex and are characterized by the presence of a single apical dendrite, usually with a larger diameter than the other basal dendrites, that extends towards the brain's surface.

Figure 2.1 Schematic illustration of a pyramidal neuron and its main compartments. Input from an action potential in an upstream neuron arrives via the (red) axon and is delivered at synapses that, here, reside on the heads of spines that stud the dendrites. The action potential liberates neurotransmitter from the red axon. Neurotransmitter molecules then bind to channels, in the spine head, that then open and permit ions to flow into the (black) dendrite. These ionic currents are then conducted to the cell body and (black) axon. The initial segment of axon is typically the most excitable part of the cell, and hence, if the received currents reach a certain threshold this segment will ignite an action potential that will travel down the axon, to signal downstream neurons, and up into its dendrites, to signal synapses that contributed to its creation. Those axons that communicate with cells outside of their immediate neighborhoods are often wrapped, with periodic breaks, in layers of insulating fat (myelin) from neighboring glial cells.

The neuron interacts with its extracellular environment by controlling the flow of ions that pass through pumps, exchangers and channels that perforate the lipid bilayer that comprises the cell membrane. In Figure 2.2 we offer a schematic of a cross section of a simplified spherical cell and a magnified segment of membrane depicting such a pump, exchanger or channel.

Figure 2.2 A cross section of a spherical cell with radius a and membrane thickness δ . The inner and outer concentrations of a particular ion are denoted c in and c out while the inner and outer potentials are denoted ϕ in and ϕ out . Given this simplified geometry we make the further assumption that c in and ϕ in do not vary with position within the cell. This permits us to define a single membrane potential, V ϕ in ϕ out , and as such we refer to our cell as isopotential . We have also impaled the cell with a sharp, needle-like intracellular electrode ready to deliver the current I stim . The zoom at right depicts the passage of ions through a transmembrane protein (pump, exchanger or channel) that spans the membrane.

(calcium). In particular, at rest,


i.e., the intracellular concentration of K+ is significantly greater than its extracellular concentration, while the situation is the opposite


for the other species. One net effect of this imbalance is to induce a difference in electrical potential across the cell membrane. In particular, we will see that the inside of the cell is typically 70 millivolts (mV) less than the outside. We will refer to this potential difference (in minus out) as the cell's membrane potential. These imbalances in concentration and resulting rest potential set the stage for ion channels, the main actors in our neuronal drama.

We have schematized such a channel, and its surrounding lipid bilayer, in the right side of Figure 2.2. These channels are typically ion selective, e.g., we speak of chloride channels and sodium channels, and they are further categorized into passive, active (or voltage-gated), and ligand-gated. Passive signifies that the conductance of the channel does not depend on the cell's membrane potential. Active signifies that it does, and so we say that the channel is voltage-gated. A Ligand-Gated channel is one that requires the binding of a helper molecule (the ligand) to open the channel. The ligands we will see first will be molecules of neurotransmitter that have been liberated by an upstream action potential, as discussed in Figure 2.1. We will begin our modeling and analysis of passive and ligand-gated channels in this chapter in preparation for our study of active channels in Chapter 4.

In the sections to follow we will interpret the schematic in , and the cell's effective electrical properties.

2.2 The Nernst Potential

The gradients, Eqs. (2.1)–(2.2), in both concentration and charge trigger associated Fickian and Ohmic fluxes through the membrane. These fluxes have dimensions of mole/(area time). To fix ideas we will consider the flux of a single species, namely chloride. Fick's Law states that the flux of matter across a surface is proportional to its concentration gradient, i.e.,


where r denotes concentration (in units of M ≡ mole/liter) of Cl− at r, and D (area/time) denotes diffusivity. The sign convention in Eq. (2.3) corresponds to positive flux in the direction of decreasing where T is temperature (K), k ) and μ denotes mobility (time/mass). Mobility is a measure of the average drift speed acquired by a Cl− ion per unit applied external force between collisions with other particles. Its units can be understood by noting that it is proportional to the mean time between collisions (the larger the time, the higher the speed) and inversely proportional to mass (the smaller the mass, the higher the acquired speed).

Ohm's law states that the flux of ions in solution across a surface is proportional to the potential gradient, to the charge density, and to mobility, i.e.,


where z for Cl−), e ), and so zec is a measure of charge density. The combined or net flux is therefore given by the Nernst–Planck equation


This will now permit us to deduce the resting potential gradient from the resting concentration gradient. At rest we expect the net flux, J, to vanish. As such, we note that (2.5) takes the form

(see Figure 2.2), and arrive at


In terms of the in–out notation of , Eq. (2.6) takes the form


. If c is indeed pegged to chloride concentration then noting that its valence, z, is −1, and adopting the concentrations

associated with the squid giant axon, we find


for the value of the chloride Nernst Potential, i.e., the value of the membrane potential at which the net chloride flux, Eq. (2.5), is zero.

2.3 Membrane Conductance

When the transmembrane potential, V we expect a flux of ions to cross the membrane and for an associated current to flow. Our goal here is to establish an associated membrane conductance. In fact the membrane is an insulating sheet perforated with a significant number of channels through which chloride ions may pass fairly easily. This conductor/insulator composite presents an effective bulk resistivity (largely independent of V) of

to current flow. Resistivity is the resistance to current flow exerted by the membrane, multiplied by its area, A, and divided by its thickness, δ , we arrive at the effective membrane conductance (per unit area)

, the membrane conductance takes its place in the simple circuit diagram of Figure 2.3.

Figure 2.3 The equivalent circuit model of the cell's leaky biased membrane. We interpret V Cl as a battery, or voltage source, that drives or biases current flow across the cell's resistive membrane. We have labeled the intermediate potential solely for clarity. The arrow indicates the direction of positive current flow when V > V Cl .

We may now use Ohm's law to represent the associated current density. We take potential differences in the direction of the arrow, namely, tail minus head. As such, in accordance with the convention of the previous section,

and so Ohm's Law reveals


in units of μA/cm². We shall abide by these conventions throughout the remainder of the text. In particular, outward currents are positive and the polarity of the battery is the tail potential minus the head potential.

2.4 Membrane Capacitance & Current Balance

In addition to presenting significant resistance to current flow, biological membranes also act to separate charge. This charge separation in turn polarizes the membrane and induces an effective transmembrane voltage gradient. Conversely, a given membrane potential gradient, V, will induce accumulation of charge, Q . The proportionality constant, C, is the capacitance in units of farad, F = C/V (coulomb/volt, as in §1.4). For a small patch of membrane that can be approximated as planar, electrostatics teaches us that capacitance will be proportional to the area of membrane and inversely proportional to its thickness. We can thus introduce the notion of permittivity, ε , where A is the membrane area and δ its thickness. Just as resistivity, permittivity is a specific property of the membrane and has units of F/m. The permittivity of the typical cell membrane is


, we arrive at the membrane capacitance per unit area

The associated displacement current operates in parallel, see Figure 2.4, with the Ohmic current.

Figure 2.4 The equivalent circuit model of the cell's leaky biased and dielectric membrane. The two currents I C and I Cl will balance the injected current, I stim .

with respect to time, we see that the current density associated with a membrane capacitance is proportional to the rate of change of the potential across the capacitor. That is


Our interest is in tracking how these two membrane currents respond to an injected pulse of current. In order to apply Kirchhoff's Current Law we scale the membrane current densities by membrane surface area, A, and find


On substituting (2.9) and (2.11) this becomes an ordinary differential equation for the membrane potential V. Namely,


and rearrange it to read




is known as the membrane time constant. From Eq. . We illustrate in Figure 2.5 the computed response of such a cell to a typical current pulse.

Figure 2.5 The solution ( A ) to (2.13) and the associated membrane currents (B) for a cell of radius 10 μm, with Cm = 1 μF/cm² and gCl = 0.3 mS/cm², subject to a 20 ms, 10 pA current injection. (bepswI.m)

This model is indeed rich enough to replicate the passive response of actual cells. In coming chapters we shall spend considerable effort developing detailed models of more complicated, active, membrane conductances.

2.5 Synaptic Conductance

As ligand gated channels bind and unbind neurotransmitter, they produce a transient conductance change biased by an associated reversal potential. This is modeled by adding a third parallel branch to the membrane circuit of Figure 2.6.

Figure 2.6 The circuit diagram for the passive cell with synapse. The arrow through the synaptic conductance is there to indicate that its conductance density varies with time, in a manner that reflects the concentration of available neurotransmitter.

Kirchhoff's Current Law, in the absence of injected current, now reveals that V must satisfy


The synaptic reversal potential is determined by the equilibrium concentrations of the ions that the associated channel selects. The principal neurotransmitters in the mammalian central nervous system are glutamate and γ-aminobutyric acid, or GABA. The simplest glutamate receptor is the AMPA-type receptor, named after AMPA, or α . As we will learn in more detail in Chapter function of Eq. (1.6),


or an α-function


denotes the rate at which neurotransmitter binds and unbinds, respectively, then we write


and so the number of open receptors obeys the differential equation


, obeys


The resultant synaptic conductance is then


is the product of a single channel conductance and the number of receptors per unit area. We will contrast these three conductances, Eqs. (2.17), (2.18) and (2.22), in the next chapter, once we have acquired a bit more knowledge about differential equations like Eq. (2.16). As a preview, we close in Figure 2.7 with an example of the interaction of excitatory and inhibitory α-synapses.

Figure 2.7 We first drive the cell with an excitatory α , τ α = 2 ms, t 1 = 5 ms and V syn = 0 mV. The conductance is graphed in black in A and its response is graphed in black in B . We then precede this with an inhibitory α , τ α = 2 ms, t 1 = 4 ms and V syn = −68 mV. The new conductance is graphed in red in A while the additional (original) excitatory conductance is graphed in dashed red in A . The response to the pair of inputs is graphed in red in B . We see that inhibitory input diminishes the response to the excitatory input by ≈20%. ( trapsyndrive.m )

Figure 2.7 indicates the subtlety associated with the interaction of synaptic inputs. This interaction is nonlinear in the sense that the response to a pair of synapses is not the sum of the individual responses. We will see further illustration of this in the exercises.

2.6 Summary and Sources

We progressed, via the laws of circuit and chemical equilibrium, from a descriptive view of neuronal form and function to a quantitative model of the passive isopotential cell's response to synaptic input. Fundamental neuroscience sourcebooks that provide comprehensive background information on synapses, neurons and circuits are the texts of Kandel et al. (2012) and Squire et al. (2012). For a thorough account of the membrane electrophysiology of §§2.2–2.5 we recommend Hille (2001). Golgi and Cajal were awarded the 1906 Nobel Prize in Medicine for their work. Nernst received the 1920 Nobel Prize for Chemistry. The press releases announcing the prizes and the Nobel laureate lectures are available at The giant axon of the squid, mentioned at the end of §2.2, is the setting in which theory and experiment together first gave us a clear picture of action potential generation and propagation. We will pursue these questions beginning in Chapter 4. The exercises below, 3–6, on the steady-state model of synaptic integration are based on the work of Rall (1964). The exercises, 7–8, on nonlinear synaptic interaction in non-isopotential cells, follow Vu and Krasne (1992). For an introduction to the basics physics concepts used in this chapter see, e.g., Feynman et al. (1970, Chapts. I-43 and II-10).

2.7 Exercises

1. The stimulus used in Figure 2.5 is on long enough for the response V to level off. Deduce from Eq. (2.13) the maximum value of V. Hint: there.

of Eq. (2.18), compute (i) its maximum value and the time at which it attains this value, and (ii) its integral over all time.

3.Steady-state model of synaptic integration. is constant show that the synaptic response equation, Eq. (2.16), takes the form


of Eq. (2.15)? As V . Graph it as in Figure 2.8.

Figure 2.8 Steady-state potential associated with steady synaptic input. V Cl = −68 mV. Excitatory input, Eq. (2.23) with Vsyn = 0. Note the distinctly nonlinear response. (sse.m)

4. The differential equation for the membrane potential of a cell receiving input from two synapses is given by


are constant and write Eq. (2.24) as





. Compare, by plotting as in Figure 2.9, this response to that generated (as computed in Exercise 3) by a single excitatory synapse


) of the two single excitatory synaptic inputs


Figure 2.9 Steady-state depolarization as a function of normalized conductance for a single, V ss , e , and two excitatory, V ss ,2 e , synapses, and the relative sum, V ss , e 2 , of the responses to a single excitatory synapse. Synaptic inputs are said to sum sublinearly in the sense that V ss ,2 e V ss , e 2 . ( ss2e.m )

in this case takes the form


. Plot, as in . Thus, in that regime inhibition has a divisive effect on membrane potential.

Figure 2.10 Steady-state potential associated with steady synaptic input. V Cl = −68 mV. Excitatory and inhibitory input, Eq. (2.29). Inhibition has a linearizing effect. (ssEI.m)

7.Illustration of the veto property of proximal inhibition. Consider a two-compartment model representing sites proximal and distal to the spike initiation zone of a neuron. We suppose, as in Figure 2.11A, that the distal compartment receives excitation while the proximal compartment receives inhibition.

Figure 2.11 A . Passive model of a two compartment cell with proximal conductance, g p , and capacitance c p and distal conductance, g d , and capacitance c d and a coupling conductance, g c . An excitatory synapse ( g e , V e ) is located in the distal compartment and an inhibitory one ( g i , V i ) in the proximal compartment. B . The relative proximal potential, v p per Eq. (2.32), as a function of the normalized excitatory conductance at several values of the normalized inhibitory conductance. (Comp2syn.m)

(i) Derive the system of coupled differential equations for the membrane potentials

In particular, derive


, the proximal membrane potential relative to rest at steady-state. In particular, confirm that


show that Eq. , conductances as


, as in .



This shows that, no matter how large the distal excitatory input, the proximal inhibitory input can effectively veto , and overcome the effect of excitation.

8. †Distal inhibition. Consider the 2 compartment circuit of Figure 2.12A where now the distal compartment receives both inhibition and excitation while the proximal compartment is unstimulated. Proceeding as in the previous exercise,

Figure 2.12 A . Passive model of a two-compartment cell with distal excitatory and inhibitory conductances. B . The relative proximal potential, v p per Eq. (2.35), as a function of the normalized excitatory conductance at several values of the normalized inhibitory conductance. (Comp2syn.m)


(ii) Confirm that the steady-state membrane potential in the proximal compartment satisfies


(iii) Adopting the choices of Exercise 7 show

Mathematics For Neuroscientists Gabbiani Pdf


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